Some “lucky” women go through pregnancy without any trouble at all. They even look and feel better then than at any other time of their lives. The not-so-lucky women, on the other hand, go through some slight discomforts during pregnancy, although most of them are bearable and can be overcome without too much difficulty.


If you are expecting a child, congratulations! Along with the excitement of bearing a healthy baby boy or girl, you should take note of the following discomforts that you may experience during your pregnancy and how you should deal with them


Morning Sickness


Contrary to its name, morning sickness does not always occur in the morning. Some soon-to-be moms experience this discomfort in the afternoon, in the evening, or very late at night. It is called as such because the pregnant woman normally experience a lot of changes in the body that cause one or a combination of different types of sicknesses, including nausea, vomiting, cold, cough, headache, or severe migraine.


Morning sickness peaks during the first trimester and usually subsides before the end of the third month, when the woman becomes adjusted to the hormone changes in her body.  If the condition is more prolonged and there is much vomiting, it can become more serious.  The patient may then need expert medical help.




Gas and indigestion are very common during pregnancy, especially if a person has been having difficulty along this line prior to becoming pregnant. Often, this is due to something in her diet.


There are times when palpitation or pounding of the heart may also happen, but usually there is little to fear in this. Palpitation, in most cases, has little or nothing to do with the heart. It is more likely due to some condition in the nervous system. It may also be aggravated by the enlarging uterus pressing upon the stomach or pushing up the diaphragm. However, try to avoid those foods that cause gas.




Some people are troubled with the feeling of burning in the middle of the chest. It is caused by an irritable stomach, which in turn irritates the esophagus, from the stomach to the throat. For the proper relief, it is best to consult your doctor. In any case, do not take any baking soda for heartburn. Mild antacids may help. Moreover, try to follow a sensible diet and get plenty of rest.


Shortness of Breath


Shortness of breath may be experienced as the baby bump goes bigger. This means that other organs are being pushed aside, with the result that breathing is becoming a little more difficult. Placing several pillows under your head and shoulders, while lying in half-sitting position, rather than flat in bed, will allow you to breathe more easily.


Spotting and Vaginal Bleeding


While a little and infrequent spotting is normal, any bleeding from the vagina at any time during pregnancy should still be reported immediately to your doctor. This could be the beginning of premature labor or perhaps a miscarriage. If anything like this happens, get in touch with your doctor at once and follow his advice.


Depending on many factors, including diet, pre-pregnancy lifestyle, and body resistance, pregnancy can either be a smooth or a roller coaster ride. Whichever you may be in, you still have to prepare yourself for the many changes that will happen in your life. Once again, congratulations!